Tuesday, 16 August 2011

10 Kitchen Renovation Tips

1. The first step is to determine your stove-sink-fridge triangle.
2. Place the dishwasher next to the sink to avoid dripping on the floor.
3. Next, map out where all of your kitchenware will go according to how often you use it.
4. If you have a small kitchen, open shelves in lieu of cabinets make the room feel less cramped.
5. For lower cabinets, consider pull-out shelves. They're much easier on your back!
6. Ceiling height can vary. Measure in three separate places to ensure that everything fits.
7. Mount outlets low in the backsplash so that cords remain hidden.
8. Matching cabinets to floors is near impossible, so go for tones with a pleasing contrast.
9. If you want to add bold color, try a wall of tile rather than just a backsplash or paint.
10. A bench between the kitchen and family room defines the areas as distinctive yet connected.

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