Thursday, 7 February 2013

Inspired by demons

I tell ya, sometimes the worst of times brings the best out of me.  I constantly feel most inspired when I have zero spare time and a staggering deadline.  I find my creative bug slipping away into a another world with zero time boundaries and endless ideas!  I still lust to sink into my first discovered passion: paint.  Here is just a glimpse of the pieces that ignite the artist within me.  Maybe today will be the day? 
1. Paintings I found here make me want to bust out my easel > right > now. 
2. This necklace, reminds me why I love form 
3. These glasses I am needing to keep my sanity from computer eye strain
4. Fiona Apple is my latest obsession
5. Spring ankle boots.  My style weakness!!!


  1. Sending you creative vibes over the water! xo

    1. From the gal that is full of talent! Thank you miss G, I think I will accept your positive vibes! Xo


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